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Saturday, 26 November 2011

Research Design

The problem that follows the task of defining a research problem is the preparation of the design of the research project is called as a research design.
A research design is the arrangement of all the conditions of the collection & analysis and processed data in a manner that results the all the collection of data in research purpose with an economy in a procedure.
Mostly the final decision happens with respect of:

  1. What is study about?
  2. Why is study being made?
  3. Where will the study be carried out?
  4. What type of data will require?
  5. Where can the required data be found?
  6. What period of time will the study include.
  7. How will the data be analysed.
  8. Preparation of a report in final layout.
In briefly, research design must at least contains a clear Statement of the Research Problem, Procedures and Techniques to be used for gathering an information, the population to be studied and methods to be used to processing and analyzing the data in research hypothesis.

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